In these modern couples, women also have a high level of education and a well-paid job, which makes them less dependent on their spouse financially. Mr Hansen said. 他说:在现代夫妻中,女性的受教育水平也很高,工作收入也不错,这就降低了她们对于伴侣的经济依赖。
Rate applicable to staff members with no dependent spouse or child 适用于无受扶养配偶或子女的工作人员的薪额
Entry applications from dependent spouse children to join the participants will not be considered. 参与人士的配偶或子女如拟以团聚理由申请来港,概不受理。
The government also needs to make transfers to women as individuals, rather than as dependent on their spouse's income. 政府还需要进行转让,以妇女作为个人,而不是依赖于自己的配偶的收入。